Colon cancer : Colon cancer Life Expectancy, Colon cancer Test - 6 Ways to detect that You Have Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer, Rectal cancer, Colorectal cancer Facts & Figures

When cancer starts in the colon or rectum, it is called colorectal cancer. Sometimes it is called colon cancer. Some Colorectal Cancer Facts and figures include :

∗ Colon cancer Age
It is found that 95% of cases with Colorectal Cancer in people aged 50 years or older. 90% of new cases and 95% of deaths from colon cancer occur in people 50 or older.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world, with nearly 1.4 million new cases diagnosed in 2012.

∗ About 53 per cent of colorectal cancer cases occurred in more developed countries.

Colorectal cancer incidence rates have increased by 6% over the last decade.

∗ A person’s risk of developing colon cancer depends on many factors, including age, genetics, and exposure to risk factors (including some potentially avoidable lifestyle factors).

∗ Research has shown that fish oils, garlic and ginger can help prevent colon cancer. Vitamin D also has a strong protective influence. All these should be in your diet.

∗ Fiber consumption and physical activity protect against bowel cancer.

10 Tips to Reduce Colon Cancer Risk

∗ Japanese research has strongly implicated salt as a major cause of Colon Cancer. Doubling your salt intake doubles your risk.

∗ Smoking increases the risk of colon cancer. It´s much important to cut out smoking!. If you want If you want to avoid colon cancer risk.

Colon cancer Stages

Colon cancer Life Expectancy 

The Life expectancy of colon cancer depends upon the stages of the colon cancer and the benefit of treatment provided. 

Stage 1 Colectral Cancer

Stage 1 Colon Cancer is also called 'Dukes A'. Stage 1 Colon cancer is a very early stage cancer it has a high cure rate. After surgery more than 93% will live for more than 5 years. Unfortunately, at the moment fewer 9% diagnosed with bowel (Colectral) cancer have stage 1.

Stage 2 Colectral Cancer

Stage 2 colon cancer is also called 'Dukes B'. About 24% of people with colorectal cancer are diagnosed at this stage. Based on various factors, after surgery more than 77% of people with stage 2 colorectal cancer can expect to live longer than 5 years.

Stage 3 Colectral Cancer

Stage 3 Colon cancer also known as 'Dukes C'. Roughly 23% with colorectal cancer are diagnosed at this stage. The outcome depends on the number of lymph nodes that contain cancer cells. After surgery almost half of those with Stage 3 bowel cancer 48% will live for at least 5 years.     

Stage 4 Colectral Cancer

Stage 4 Colon cancer is also likewise called Dukes' D. In roughly 9% with colorectal cancer, the cancer has already spread to another part of their body when they are treated. For this advanced cancer the survival rates are lower. Only about 6% will live for at least 5 years after they are diagnosed. But if the cancer has spread into the liver and the areas in the liver can be removed with surgery, some recent studies have shown 5 year survival rates of 25 to 40%.

Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests

Colon cancer test

1. High-Sensitivity FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood Tests)

Fecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBT) also known as Stool Test have an important place in screening for colorectal cancer as they serve to identify people who are more likely to have early stage colon cancers and so can direct them to colonoscopy.

There are two types of FOBT. One uses the chemical guaiac to detect blood. The other, a fecal immunochemical test (FIT), uses antibodies to detect blood in the stool. You get a test kit from your health care provider. At home, you use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool. You return the test kit to the doctor or a lab, where the stool samples are checked for the presence of blood.

2. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to examine the rectum and the lower colon. In flexible sigmoidoscopy test, the doctor puts a short, thin, flexible, lighted tube into your rectum. The doctor checks for polyps or cancer inside the rectum and lower third of the colon.

3. Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is a test that allows to look at the inner lining of your large intestine (rectum and colon. Colonoscope a thin flexible, hollow, lighted tube  with a camera and a source of light at its tip.
In Colonoscopy test doctor uses a longer, thin, flexible, lighted tube to check for polyps or cancer inside the rectum and the entire colon.

Colonoscopy enables the doctor (usually a gastroenterologist) to evaluate the inside of the colon (large intestine or large bowel).

4. Double-Contrast Barium Enema

A double-contrast barium enema is a procedure in which x-rays of the colon and rectum are taken after a liquid containing barium is put into the rectum. Barium is a silver-white metallic compound that outlines the colon and rectum on an x-ray and helps show abnormalities. Air is put into the rectum and colon to further enhance the x-ray.

5. Stool DNA Test

A stool DNA test is a relatively new approach for colon cancer screening. Instead of looking for blood in the stool (like FIT or guiac FOBT), these tests look for certain DNA mutations caused from cancerous tumors or precancerous polyps.

6. Virtual colonoscopy

Virtual colonoscopy is a medical imaging procedure which uses x-rays and computers to produce two- and three-dimensional images of the colon from the lowest part, the rectum, all the way to the lower end of the small intestine and display them on a screen.

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