Cancer Symptoms in Women | Top 10 Cancer Symptoms Every Women Need to Know

Cancer Symptoms:

Cancer Symptoms in Women

  Given below are some of the Signs of Cancer in Women which are taken into care.

♦ Unusual breast changes

Most breast lumps aren't cancer, but your doctor should always check them. Let her know about these changes, too.
Breast Cancer
→ any change in the size, shape or feel of a breast

→ a change to the skin texture or pain in the breast.

→ a rash on or around your nipple

→ Skin dimpling or puckering.

→ Nipple discharge

→ Redness or scaling of your nipple or breast skin

♦ Bloating

Constant bloating can sometimes mean ovarian cancer. You'll have a pelvic exam as well as blood tests, and sometimes an ultrasound, to look for the cause of the problem.

♦ Between-Period Bleeding

Bleeding after menopause is never normal and should be checked right away. Between- Period Bleeding is a sign of endometrial cancer.

♦ Skin Changes

If you find a freckles, moles, or a darker age spot, a change in the size, shape, or color of a mole is a common sign of skin cancer. Meet a dermatologist.

10 Cancer Warning Signs Men Ignore

♦ Blood in Your Pee or Stool

Blood with the urine or with the stool can be the symptom of colon Cancer. Bloody urine is usually the first sign of cancer of the bladder or kidneys. So, it's a good idea to see your doctor for any bleeding that’s not normal, even if you don't have other symptoms.
Smoking can cause Lung Cancer

♦ Mouth or tongue ulcer

If a person smoke or chew tobacco, he has a higher risk of mouth cancer. Keep an eye out for white or red patches inside your mouth or on your lips. Talk to your doctor or dentist about tests and treatments.

♦ Trouble Swallowing

Problem in Swallowing or difficulty in swallowing could be a sign of cancer of the oesophagus.

♦ Persistent Cough & breathlessness

Prolonged coughs & breathlessness feeling lasting more than three to four weeks could be a sign of cancer. Cough is also associated with colds, flu, and allergies. 

♦ Frequent fevers or Infections

Frequent fevers and Infections can be signs of leukemia .Leukemia causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, sapping your body's infection-fighting capabilities.

♦ Weakness and Fatigue

If you notice you’re tired every day for more than a month, or experience shortness of breath when you didn’t before, see a doctor. It may be cancer-related fatigue.

♦ Unexplained weight loss

Belly Pain can be a sign of pancreatic cancer.
Unexpected weight loss is a concern. If a woman loses a lot of weight without trying it's time to see the doctor. Weight loss could be an early sign of colon or other digestive cancers.

♦ Pain 

Cancer doesn’t cause most aches. But ongoing pain can signal bone, brain, or other cancers. Ask your doctor about any unexplained aches that last a month or longer.

♦ Chronic headaches

Regular Chronic Headache for a long period of time could be a sign of a Brain tumor.

♦ Heart Burn

Heart Burn can an be a precursor of esophageal cancer. If you have frequent episodes of heartburn or a constant low-level feeling of pain in the chest after eating, call your doctor and ask about having your esophagus examined.

♦ Changes in the Lymph Nodes

Swelling of Lymph nodes can be a sign of  leukemia and lymphoma cancers.

♦ Belly Pain and Depression

Belly Pain with Depression  can be a sign of pancreatic cancer.

Click Here For Cancer Symptoms in Men 

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